화요일, 9월 20, 2005

Suwon Station in the twilight. In that building there is a Seoul Metro Station, a Korail train station, a supermarket, a six-floor department store, a six-floor mall, a movie theater, and an Outback Steakhouse.

Heather and Daniel sharing a laugh over something or other.

Just mussing with my hair, I guess. It was warm in there.

I have no idea.

Kim and Daniel, talking about something Australo-Canadian. Possibly Vegemite and maple syrup? Yuck. Possibly hockey and Aussie rule? Awesome.

월요일, 9월 19, 2005

Daniel. Styling? Possible. Profiling? Most definitely.

L-R: Me, Daniel (a Canadian who either a.) chatted up Heather, or b.) Heather chatted up), and Heather.

Nappy time? Nappy time.

Heather and Kim, again. This time with a regular Corona, which is slightly less of an abomination unto man.

Kim enjoys what the menu mysteriously labelled a "Corona Red," which is a Corona with grenadine and an abomination unto man.

In a shift of pace, out of the classroom, into the bar. Heather and Kim enjoy a romantic interlude. That expression that Heather is making pretty much sums up her personality.

In the interest of international relations and cooperations, I introduce the "noogie" to the Korean peninsula.

This time Lesley deigns herself to open her eyes. Kitty is unaffected.

Two pretty pretty princesses in their staple and colored-pencil hats.

I have never felt less threatened by a ninja than I do now.

Ken won't sit still for his hat-photo.

I have no idea what Troy is doing with his face.

Man, Wade is freakin' stoked about his hat!

Brad, sporting a hat at a jaunty angle.

목요일, 9월 15, 2005

A rare glimpse at Valerie's face. This picture is cropped and has funny shading because i didn't realize how my finger isn't transparent when I dangle it in front of the lens.

Me again. Justin wanted to take a picture of me, but I was loathe to allow him to hold my camera. I relented, and it's not too bad (and the camera is in one piece). Note how today, I am actually wearing a collared shirt. (not pictured: my jeans)

Valerie, the only girl from 7.20 MW. I feel sorry for her. She's a shy thing, as this study in the backs of her hands indicates.

Nathan from 7.20 MW. That's pretty much his only expression, too. Sometimes the brow furrows when he's concentrating.

The boys of my 7.20 MW class. They are like little tornadoes. If I can redirect their power for good for half the class period, I consider it a victory. L-R: Kenny, Jason, and Justin. NB: that is Kenny's facial expression, always.

Noel looking...thoughtful? Or maybe he's just eyeing my gold to skin and sell on the black market.

The Balkanization of my tables. I think they did it to better chase mosquitos. At one sticker a pop, those things are a buzzing bloodsucking treasure trove.

Noel working. He usually gets there 5-10 minutes late, so he wasn't in any earlier pictures. He calls me "Golden teacher" because either my hair is yellow like gold, or I have enough fur on my arms to make my skin worth a fortune.

Eric smiling and an inadvertant close-up of my camera strap.

Tony, Eric, and Harry deep in thought. They're reviewing the past tense, so deep thought it probably needed. Bring, brought, whatever.

Danny, David, and Sonny working on their Superkids 5 workbook. Also pictured: Sonny scratching the inside of his nose.

My boys of 6.30. This is probably one of my favorite classes because of the cameraderie and the fact that none of these kids are jerks. Clockwise from left: Tony, Eric, Harry, Danny, David, and Sonny.

Julia knows the answer! If I recall, the charade was hospital, but she was stuttering the Korean in an effort to shout out the right response: "Wuh-wuh-hospital!"

I swear, Mark was just here doing something funny.

Julian turning Steve into a were-cow of sorts. None of those wimpy rabbit ears here; they go straight for demons.

Milling about in a game of charades, Judy is trying to get Sally to go somewhere. Somewhere mysterious, I imagine.

Maria tries to make a rabbit shadow puppet, but the flash is too short.

The girls again, noticing that I have some sort of picture-taking device in my hands.

The boys of the 5.40 class. L-R, not including Sally: Steve, Tom, Julian, and Mark. Mark is amazed at my arm hair, and if I wear a short-sleeved shirt and am near him, he will unconsciously rub my arm with his hand or nuzzle it with his cheek. A little different mores regarding touch, it seems.

The girls of the 5.40 class. They are not all agape, I just caught them mid-sentence. L-R: Lucy, Linda, Maria, Judy, Julia, and Sally. They are amazed at the noises I can make, from cracking my knuckles to rolling my r's.

The entire class, as seen from the door. Clockwise from front: Amy, Missy, Gloria, Jenny, Jeany, Sue, Paul, and Martin.

Amy and Missy. I don't know where they fit in the social standings, but they're pretty much the brains of this operation, as Gloria is 'checking' Missy's work.

Paul letting out a mighty roar. Martin is nonplussed, possibly because that roar is still in the alto range.

Sue, the omega female. She always brings me treats, though. Perhaps she is trying to buy 'protection.'

Jeany, the attack female. Even in the background, Jenny is trying to get in on the action.

Paul and Martin, the male drones.

Jenny and Gloria, the alpha females. Note how, in jumping into the camera frame which was trying to get Sue in the background, Gloria has karmically revealed her entire nasal passage.

Gloria telling of how she successfully fended off two Stooges from either side.

My girls class of 4:00. The boys are so quiet as to be uncountable, except when Paul riles Jeany (the attack female). Clockwise from left: Amy, Missy, Gloria, Jenny, Jeany, back of Paul's head, back of Martin's head.

화요일, 9월 13, 2005

Robbie, the other third of the middle school class. Look at those choppers; he could probably chew through a bowl of kimchi in no time flat.

67% of the middle school class. L-R: Dean and Gavin (once again, not my naming). Dean is the best student I have, bar none. His overall skills are high and he takes to grammar rules like a fish to water. Gavin...Gavin is Sonny's brother.