토요일, 12월 03, 2005

Camera-ka opso.

So there's really been no updates for a while, because about a month and a half ago, I somehow squished my camera in my jacket pocket (probably carelessly sitting down at a bar), and it is mildly broken. I still have a couple of pictures yet to upload, but until I can get a free day to go find a camera repair shop, both you and I are out of luck. Hopefully, I can convince my friends to take pictures and then send them to me so I can set this up as a secondhand-picture blog. Not pictured, some of the new students at school, pictures of my psuedo-legal private students, Hap-ki-do (replete with samjalbang [nunchuku to you Japanophiles]), going to church with a bazillion filipinos, and the stark coldness of Korea in the Winter.

But soon, I hope.


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